Gamification + activation = real social impact
Gamified Social Impact Campaign Builder
Improve corporate culture, promote community engagement and increase audience loyalty, all by activating employees and customers with gamified social impact campaigns that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The principle is simple: we’re using gamification and technology to motivate and measure social impact through efforts both big and small. Whether you’re a brand, agency, business, school, sports team, organization or community, our gamified social impact campaign builder is a simple way to see good, do good and make a real, measurable impact. Here’s the why and the how…
Welcome to the Conscious Consumer Era: The Challenges
Consumers Expect Brands to Take A Stand and Mean It.
Companies and brands are realizing that taking a stand on specific public issues generates awareness, gives an opportunity to make a real difference, AND is good for business. With 70% of consumers saying it’s important for brands to take a stand on social and political issues, the question is no longer “should we take a stand?” but rather, “how can we maximize our impact?”
Employees Want Shared Values and Purpose Over Perks.
The reality is only 33% of employees across North America are engaged at work. One reason for low engagement is a disconnect between what a company offers and what employees seek. And, it’s not just about dollars. Employees will accept lower pay, be more productive, engaged and loyal if they work for a company that shares their values and is authentic about this one thing: purpose.
Gen Z and Millennial Employees Want to Make An Impact
Research by Gallup confirms that modern employees, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, care very little about fancy coffee machines, free food or casual Fridays. They care more about work/life balance, mental health, social causes and the environment. Organizations that create a work environment that is both engaging and inspiring are the ones attracting and retaining young talent.
The Solution?
Our Gamified Social Impact Campaign Builder features more than 70 gamification elements like leaderboards, badges, integration tools for donations and partnerships and white label services.
Engage change.
Create engaging campaigns for your brand, cause, office, league, classroom… wherever you want to inspire your audience to make a difference.
Gamify impact.
We provide challenges designed with “XP” (social impact) points based on the time and effort it takes to complete (pick up trash 5XP vs. give blood 60XP).
Align profit + purpose.
Align your organizational goals with a cause, condition impactful behaviour, and reward your employees, customers and followers for taking action.
Attract and retain consumers and employees.
Instead of reading about your CSR program in an annual report, your stakeholders, customers and employees can contribute first-hand to your efforts, by joining your campaigns, sharing their stories and driving tangible, positive change.
Include everyone.
Our fun challenges are suitable for any type of group regardless of size, age or ability.
Build culture.
Inspire employee and audience engagement by creating culture and brand defining campaigns that issue challenges in the spirit of Competitive Kindness®.
Level up on your CSR.
Take the principles of a successful corporate social responsibility strategy—transparency, authenticity and concrete measurement—and turn them into a engagement tool.
Increase community goodwill while making a difference.
Increase community goodwill by having your leadership, organization and employees recognized for the good they create while contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals that truly matter to you and make an impact.
Each challenge is aligned with one or more of the 17 SDGs
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.”
Approximately 62% of businesses in North America have chosen to support at least one of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, and with our Social Impact Campaign Builder, you can discover what your employees and customers truly value and which SDGs are most important to them.