Why we Pledge 1%

We know that good leaders lead by example and we take that responsibility seriously.

We know that money make the world go round and to survive you do need to make a profit...but we've never been in this for the big bucks. We're committed to a purpose greater than us or our bank accounts.

To that end we’ve taken the 1% pledge.


What is pledge 1% ?

Pledge 1% is a global movement to create a new normal in which giving back is integrated into the DNA of companies of all sizes. Pledge 1% encourages and challenges individuals and companies to Pledge 1% of equity, profit, product, and/or employee time to their communities and any cause they choose.

1% profit

We’re excited to commit 1% of our profit back into the Xocial ecosystem as Xocial ‘coin’ awarded to our most impactful players. Each month these winners will be able to donate their coin to any charity on the platform.

1% time

Each Xocial team member has the opportunity to volunteer 22 hours of time during company hours.

1% product

Charities wishing to use the Xocial platform aren't charged a subscription fee. Moreover, we’ll work directly with at least 10 charities per year to implement the best campaign possible with no professional services fees.

1% equity

We’re working with The Upside Foundation to finalize our commitment to donating 1% of our equity to charity.


Pledge 1%


Xocial Earns B Corp Certification